Month Preached: May 2024

To Carry Out God’s Will

Calendar 26 May 2024
List 2024, May 2024
Microphone Daniel Choi

Ephesians 4:17-5:2; Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 49

“Your Kingdom Come”

Calendar 19 May 2024
List 2024, May 2024
Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Pentecost Sunday; Mark 1:14-15; Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 48

국어 통역 – 2024년 5월 19일 (“Your Kingdom Come” Sermon Translation in Korean)

Calendar 19 May 2024
List 2024, May 2024
Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

마가복음 1:14-15; 하이델베르그 요리문답 제 48 주일

“Honouring God in Everything”

Calendar 12 May 2024
List 2024, May 2024
Microphone Student Pastor Sandra Park

Psalm 145; Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 47

국어 통역 – 2024년 5월 12일 (“Honouring God in Everything” Sermon Translation in Korean)

Calendar 12 May 2024
List 2024, May 2024
Microphone Student Pastor Sandra Park

시편 145편; 하이델베르그 요리문답 제 47 주일

Praying to Our Father in Heaven

Calendar 05 May 2024
List 2024, May 2024
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Romans 8:12-17; Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 46

국어 통역 – 2024년 5월 5일 (“Praying to Our Father in Heaven” Sermon Translation in Korean)

Calendar 05 May 2024
List 2024, May 2024
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

로마서 8:12-17; 하이델베르그 요리문답 제 47 주일