Book of the Bible: Matthew

“To Forgive as We Have Been Forgiven”

Calendar 16 Jun 2024
List Matthew
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Matthew 6:9-15 Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 51

“To Trust God for Everything”

Calendar 09 Jun 2024
List Matthew
Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Matthew 6:25-34; Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 50

In Small Deeds Lies Great Love: The Upside-Down Way of Effectiveness

Calendar 03 Mar 2024
List Matthew
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Third Sunday of Lent; Matthew 13:31-32; 26:6-13

To Become Mature, We Must Become Like Children: The Upside-Down Way of Spiritual Growth

Calendar 18 Feb 2024
List Matthew
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

First Sunday of Lent; Matthew 18:1-5; 23:11

Christmas Takes Us Out of Egypt… For Good!

Calendar 31 Dec 2023
List Matthew
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Matthew 2:13-18

God’s Rest to the Childlike and Burdened

Calendar 29 Oct 2023
List Matthew
Microphone Daniel Choi

Reformation Sunday; Matthew 11:25-30

Become Like Little Children

Calendar 10 Apr 2022
List Matthew
Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Palm Sunday; Matthew 18:1-5

Love Your Enemies

Calendar 27 Mar 2022
List Matthew
Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Matthew 5:43-48

Ask, Knock, Seek

Calendar 20 Mar 2022
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Luke 11:1-13

Seek First His Kingdom

Calendar 13 Mar 2022
List Matthew
Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Matthew 6:25-34

Where to Store Your Treasure

Calendar 06 Mar 2022
List Matthew
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Matthew 6:19-24

Jesus and Redemption – Training for Reigning

Calendar 16 Jan 2022
List Matthew
Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Matthew 5:1-10

Creation: God Defying Fortune, Chance and Fate

Calendar 24 Oct 2021
List Matthew
Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Matthew 6:25-34

He is Not Here; He Has Risen, Just As He Said

Calendar 04 Apr 2021
List Matthew
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Easter Sunday; Matthew 28:1-20

زخمهای زیبا

Calendar 04 Apr 2021
Microphone Angela De Lange

قوت و عزت لباس اوست
Devotions for women in Farsi: Strength and Dignity are Her Clothing - Beauty

The Sheep and the Goats – Service

Calendar 28 Mar 2021
List Matthew
Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Palm Sunday; Matthew 25:31-46

The Workers in the Vineyard – Grace

Calendar 14 Mar 2021
List Matthew
Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

The Fourth Sunday of Lent; Matthew 20:1-16

The King and His Servants – Merciful

Calendar 28 Feb 2021
List Matthew
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Second Sunday of Lent; Matthew 18:21-35

The Parable of the Sower

Calendar 24 Jan 2021
List Matthew
Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Matthew 13:1-23

The Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great Price

Calendar 17 Jan 2021
List Matthew
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Matthew 13:44-46

Who Is This?

Calendar 05 Apr 2020
List Matthew
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Palm Sunday Sermon

What Shall I Do with Jesus?

Calendar 22 Mar 2020
List Matthew
Microphone Pastor Hyung-Jun Kim

Surely Not I, Lord?

Calendar 08 Mar 2020
List Matthew
Microphone Pastor Hyung-Jun Kim

Why This Waste?

Calendar 01 Mar 2020
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk