We have a couple more events for senior youth in September. Our goal is to help our Senior Youth grow closer before we dive deeper into our faith through Bible Studies in September. Please note the different times for each event. Contact Pastor Sion ([email protected]) or the church office if you have any questions about the events.

Senior Youth

Wednesday, September 25th – Elevation Worship Concert 

Some of our youth have requested to attend the Elevation Worship concert because their songs have touched their hearts this past year.   Steven Furtick, Elevation Church’s Lead Pastor, will also be speaking at the concert.  Some leaders in our church have noted theological issues in his messages. Therefore, I request that we meet at a nearby McDonald’s after the event to discuss the sermon if any concerns arise from Pastor Furtick’s message. Please let Pastor Sion know by August 13th if you are attending so we can purchase the best tickets possible.