What are donation dollars?
Donation Dollars allow you to give to the Second Collection, which is indicated each Sunday, without having to use loose change. They may also be put into a blank pew envelopes with a specific cause designated on that envelope. Effective January, 2011, Donation Dollars are available at the church office. They come in $2, $5 and $10 coupons. Donation Dollars provide an opportunity to give faithfully, as you have thoughtfully and prayerfully determined to give to our second collection causes. Please note that “Donation Dollars” are not refundable and if lost can not be replaced. Once purchased they must be used or given to another church member to use. They have no expiry date.
Ordering donation dollars
You may contact the church office, come in during office hours or follow the directions on the Donation Dollar Order Form. When you purchase Donation Dollars we will give you a receipt with your name and amount on it. Your cheque and a copy of your receipt will be given to the counting committee and will be recorded towards your Charitable tax receipt at year end.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support of New West Church and of our various ministries.